Glen Rose

Welcome to another edition of -
The World According to Sunshine
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I needed a filler article. What to do, what to do? I looked up on the wall in my cubicle at work and spied the cutout of my mainframe dinosaur, then it hit me; Glen Rose. Where else would I find a dinosaur?

I Had Been Curious. I am curious no more.
Riding eastbound on I-20 I'd many times seen a bridge on the north side. Today I took the time to pull off and take a closer look. On the west side of the trestle bridge is a little camping park, Hillbilly Haven. I spied a dog wandered the road by the park entrance. When he saw me sitting on my bike, adjusting the settings on my camera, he came right up to me. We had the best time. I talked dog talk and he seemed to like it. I scratched him, petted him, and praised him for being the free soul he was. We became the best of friends. When he'd had enough, he turned on his hind paws and ran back down the road. I continued on, feeling this was a good start to my journey. To top it off, I had found one more bridge over the Brazos.

So here we go. Finally leaving the super-slab and ready to wander the FM's (Farm to Market Roads) that abound in this part of Texas. If you have never ridden FM-4 then it is about time you did. Take a turn north from here and I guarantee a fun ride right up to US-380. The decision weighed heavy on my mind. I had to stop and think for a minute. I sat, I contemplated and the call to other roads, roads unridden, drew me in a southerly direction.

I renewed my resolve, south it is then.

If you remember, I did say something about other roads. I repeat, FM-4 is a really great road which will wind itself down to Granbury. I really did not feel like riding though big towns, with stop signs and lights, so I made a hard right onto FM-1189 in Lipan. Unless you want to end up on US-281 you'll need to make a left onto FM-1188. When you reach US-377 turn left, towards Bluff Dale, after a very short distance you'll make a right onto FM-3106.

I really like this little stretch which leads me to another crossroads where a decision has to be made.

I know that FM-205 is a great road and it will take me on a fairly direct path to Glen Rose. "All well and good", I said to myself, "Been there done that."
I ride straight across FM-205 and voila, I am on FM-2481 which also takes me to US-67, the highway that Glen Rose is on. The thing is folks, if I simply turn left on US-67 how will I ever get to see Duffau? You get my drift?
You can tell this town, more like a small community, has been here for a while. It has been here so long that everyone that needs to know where they are does, so they don't need a town sign, coming or going, I know - I checked.

Anywho, back on the road. This time I really am going to Glen Rose ... promise!

One of the major attractions around Glen Rose is the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. It is about a 9 mile drive through the park. No motorcycle, but they do have tours.
I did not see the sign that said don't stop on the road ... honest!

I went over and cut up with these big dudes for a bit. I found it facinating how that little chain fence kept them in. Well behaved critters they were.
If you're cheap, like me, you might not want to spend the bucks to ride around the park every time you visit. Go up to the overlook and check it out from above. There is a seasonal restaurant there as well.

Very close to Tres Rios you'll find some interesting ruins of an old buildings. I found an ACME brick. Maybe they were all ACME bricks?
If you look up this road you will see it runs along the river right into old town Glen Rose.

The Glen Rose town square is the spot to take a break. Motorcycle riders have been through this town a gazillion times and many have never stopped to enjoy the town square, where time has slowed, to a reasonable rate.

Amana is pointing towards the shop with the Blue Bell ice cream.

Stop for a minute, buy a cone, find some shade, sit a spell.

Dinosaur world - Just off of FM-205
Dinosaur Valley State Park is worth a visit. You can see dinosaur tracks and other prehistoric displays. If you like history, beauty and camping then you might think of adding it to your travel list.

So on my way home I managed to find some great CR roads (no not camel road, county road). Cars had been a rare sight. When I got back to the MetroMess I had no trouble finding plenty of four & eighteen wheel vehicles. Sigh ...

For those that want to know: I took FM-205 north/Right on FM-51 through Paluxy/Left on FM-56 to Tolar where I made a left on US-377/an immediate right on FM-56 (Tolar Highway, ok it made me laugh ... highway hahah)/Turns into Star Hollow Rd/Right CR-108/Right on FM-1189 (sound familiar?)/At Lipan, either FM-4 or FM-1189, both take you towards I-20 ... now you're on your own.
Thanks so much for joining me on this little -
Ride About

Ride em if ya got em
Page One
Ride em if ya got em!